Brazilian jiu-jitsu is not just used in the cage, and in this interview we’re going to find out how BJJ helps outside of the octagon and in other parts of life. The gentle art also plays a part in spirituality, goals, relationships, self-defence and even overcoming fears. The man who is going to explain this is David Correa, a Brazilian jiu-jitsu, black belt, MMA teacher at EFA in Paterson NJ and eighteen year veteran of the sport. Not only is this Passaic County resident an incredible ambassador to the sport, he inspires awe in both those he teaches and from those who have taught him.
How did you get into MMA?
Answer: After I came back from living overseas, I wanted to take some self-defence and fitness classes, so I looked up some academies in the yellow pages. That’s where fate took over. I first tried boxing and muay thai but found out that that’s not quite where my heart lies. My teacher suggested I try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. From my first class I was hooked.
Answer: I fell in love with the cerebral nature of the sport, and it quickly took over my life to the point where I was training 16 hours every week. In the beginning, I wasn’t really sure what drew me so strongly to train. There was just something almost mystical about it that captivated me.
How did it do that?
Answer: As my time on the mat increased and I grew as a person, I realized how BJJ had also become such a huge part of my spiritual practice, it’s equally important as my daily yoga sessions. Throughout all the changes and challenges of life, jiu-jitsu has been my constant. It is always there, waiting for me. Every training session is a tool for observation and a tool for creating balance in my life and spiritual development. Being on the mat is an opportunity for me to release the mind chatter, judgement or fear, and to simply enjoy the process of observing and focusing on the moment at hand.
What happens on the mat is quite often a reflection of what’s happening in my life. It’s a chance to see how I deal with resistance that I may currently be up against. Jiu-jitsu may be a reflection of our relationship with others, but more importantly it is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves.
When we work on ourselves in one area, it carries over to the rest of our lives. So why do I train jiu-jitsu? Simply put, it’s to be a better person, and that is an ever evolving goal where perfection is always just out of grasp.
Did the lure of completion entice you?
Answer: Yes. Partially, it’s for the challenge, but mostly I love having goals and working hard to reach them. There’s nothing better than seeing the results of my hard work, and that’s why I’m proud to be an ambassador to the sport I live for.
Skumringslandet (2014)
10 years ago
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